Dell Emphasis Lighting Control System User Manual

Page 16

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Emphasis Control System Quick Guide

Step 16: Press [Enter]. The Facepanel will boot and the Stage displays will open on the

attached monitor(s).

Installing Software on the Emphasis Server

If you are installing a new version of software, you will be provided specific instructions for

installation with the release notes for that version. When installing Emphasis software, you

are given the opportunity to install only Emphasis program files (located on the C drive) or

to install a full disk image for both the C and D drives.

C A U T I O N :

Installing a full disk image for the C and D drives will delete show files stored on the

Emphasis Server.

It is highly recommended to backup all show files before loading new software. To backup

existing show files see

Saving Your Work, page 38


To install software:

Step 1:

Power up the Emphasis Server.

Step 2:

When the Dell screen appears, press F12.

Step 3:

Insert Emphasis Software CD #1 into the CD drive on the Emphasis Server.

Step 4:

Press “4” to select Boot from IDE CD ROM and press ENTER.

Step 5:

A warning screen appears allowing you to choose to continue or cancel:

If you want to continue with the installation process, press any key.

If you want to cancel the installation process, Press CTRL+C. When
prompted to “Terminate batch job (Y/N)?”, press “Y”. The DOS prompt will
appear. You may restart the Emphasis Server (press CTRL+ALT+DELETE)
at this point for normal operation.

Step 6:

The installation type screen appears. Choose the type of installation you want to


Install Emphasis Program files only (press “E”). This option restores the disk
image of the C drive only, show files are retained.

Install full disk image (press “A”). This option restores the disk image of the
C and D drives, show files are deleted.

C A U T I O N :

Installing a full disk image for the C and D drives will delete show files stored on the

Emphasis Server.

Step 7:

After you press “E” or “A”, the disk image begins to load from the Emphasis

Software Disk #1. You will be prompted to load subsequent disks by the disk

utility. Eject the first disk and load the next disk and press ENTER.

Step 8:

When completed, you will be prompted to remove the final CD from the drive and

restart the Emphasis Server. You can restart the Emphasis Server by pressing

the power button twice, or by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE.

Step 9:

After a new version of software has been installed on your Emphasis Server, you

will need to install Facepanel Software. See

Installing Facepanel Software, page


, for that procedure.