AMETEK SFA Series Programming Manual User Manual
Page 16
IEEE 488.2 and SCPI Command Operation
Sorensen SF Series
Error Code Description
No channels setup to trigger
This means that an attempt was made to trigger the DIA using the
TRIG:TYPE <1|2|3> command when there are no armed trigger settings.
This error is not generated when the GET is received, even when there are
no armed trigger settings.
GPIB GET not allowed during message
This error means that the GPIB G(roup) E(xecute) T(rigger) multiline
command was errantly generated by the system computer while or very
shortly after a message is or was sent. Give a few milliseconds after a
message was sent before attempting a GET; and never send a GET during
the midst of a message transfer over the GPIB.
GPIB IFC caused warm boot
This error relates to the GPIB IFC signal, and is available only in
association with a proprietary command.
Hardware watchdog warm boot
This error is caused by a hardware fault either in the power supply proper,
or on the DIA. One possible explanation might be that the mains power to
the supply was interrupted for a short but sufficient time to cause the DIA
processor to reset and re-boot. Also, it might be possible to generate this
error by a very momentary off action of the front panel power switch.
Foreground watchdog warm boot
This error means that the internal firmware on the DIA found an internal
error condition that halted processing; to force resumption of processing, a
warm boot was required.
Unexpected warm boot
This error means that the DIA GPIB-side processor experienced a warm
boot that was unexpected, and it may indicate an internal crash of the DIA
Incompatible unit type
This error is not used. It cannot occur.
Incompatibility error
This error is not used. It cannot occur.
No error
The error queue is empty.
Syntax error
An unrecognized command or data type was encountered.
Parameter not allowed
More arguments than expected were received.
Invalid string data
Incorrect password. Manufacturer, model, or serial number string was
more than 16 characters. Invalid mnemonic.
Invalid block data
The expected number of data values was not received.
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