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In step mode, the eLOAD generates customized sequence of different input levels up to a maximum of 32 steps (points)
for each mode, with dwell times from 1ms to 65535ms and rise/fall times of 1ms. The step sequence can be cycled for
one up to 65535 count(s) or infinity for unlimited repeat. At the end of the step cycle count, turn transient level off and
then on to restart the step cycle and count.
STEP: The Step mode will repeat the step cycle until the end of the dwell time without the need for a trigger
signal. Once transient level is activated, the STEP mode will start as well.
STEP AUTO: The Step Auto mode will traverse through the user-defined step cycle until the end of the dwell
time upon the receiving a trigger signal.
Note: When triggering the STEP AUTO function via the front panel, when the step is activated (it will show “AUTO”),
the step cycle will repeat itself until the end of the Step Parameter setting. If the STEP AUTO function is triggered via
PC, the step has to be triggered using a *TRG or TRIG command after the transient level is turned on.
STEP ONCE: The STEP ONCE function will only activate the first step in the step cycle until the next
trigger signal is received.
Note: For front panel operation, the STEP ONCE function will only activate the first step in the step cycle. For PC
operation, by sending a *TRG or TRIG command with transient on, the next step in the step cycle can be activated.
Typical Application: Simulating battery drain for testing portable, battery powered products. A cellular phone, for
example, has complex battery discharge characteristics due to its different operating modes. A load profile can be created
using the eLOAD load to simulate those characteristics.
Every time the Stepping mode is enabled, it is critical that you re-enter or check for the correct number of steps in the
STEP NUMBER function under Menu/Load Control/Step Param., in order to avoid initiating an erroneous step. If the
value is set higher than expected the system may perform previous steps that may exceed the power rating for the
application and may damage the eLOAD or power source.
Important Notes:
All steps must be in the same constant mode (CV, CC, CR, and CP). Stepping error will occur if different modes
are programmed.
All programmed steps must be saved before power cycling the eLOAD, otherwise the data will be lost.
t0 t1 t2 t3 T4 t5 t6 t7 t8