1 temperature safety device class 3.1 – BINDER KBF LQC 240 User Manual
Page 65

KBF LQC (E5.3) 07/2014
page 65/114
11.3.1 Temperature safety device class 3.1
If you turn the control knob (14) to its end-stop (position 10), the safety de-
vice class 3.1 protects the appliance. If you set it to a temperature a little
above the set-point temperature, it protects the charging material.
If the safety device class 3.1 has taken over control, identifiable by the red
alarm lamp (14a) lighting up, the message “TEMP ALARM” on the controller
display, and the buzzer, proceed as follows:
Reset the buzzer with RESET key on the controller
Disconnect the unit from the power supply
Have examined and rectified the cause of the fault by an expert
Start up the unit again as described in chap. 5.
To check the response temperature of the safety device class 3.1, turn on the chamber and set the de-
sired set point at the temperature controller.
The sections of the scale from 1 to 10 correspond to the temperature range from 0 °C / 32°F to 120 °C /
248°F and serve as a setting aid.
Turn the control knob (14) of the safety device using a coin to its end-stop (po-
sition 10) (unit protection).
When the set point is reached, turn back the control knob (14) until its trip point
(turn it anti-clockwise).
The trip point is identifiable by the red alarm lamp (14a), the message “TEMP
ALARM” on the controller display, and the buzzer. Reset the buzzer with
RESET key on the controller.
The optimum setting for the safety device is obtained by turning the control
knob clockwise by approximately two scale divisions, which leads to extinguish
the red alarm lamp (14a).
Figure 20: Setting
safety device class
Check the setting regularly and adjust it following changes of set-point or charge.
Function check:
Check the temperature safety device class 3.1 at appropriate intervals for its functionality. It is recom-
mended that the authorized operating personnel should perform such a check, e.g., before starting a
longer work procedure.