Viewing machine and job notes on the microlink oit – LINK Systems LinkNet II User Manual
Page 93

• If the network is off line, a message indicating this will appear. Jobs may NOT be recalled from the
network if it is off line! Otherwise, a prompt will appear asking for the job number to recall.
• Enter the job number to recall and hit the “ENTER” button on the MicroLink OIT keypad. If the job
has not been previously stored on LinkNet, a “Job Not Found” message will appear. Otherwise, this
screen will display the status of the job download. A message will appear at the end of the download
indicating success or failure or the job recall.
IMPORTANT: A job recalled from the network is independent of the same job number
recalled from regular internal job storage at the MicroLink. Make sure the job being
recalled is from the location intended!
9.5 Viewing Machine and Job Notes on the MicroLink OIT
MicroLink operator interface terminals can display notes entered at the LinkNet computer for both
the machine and the current job - if any have been entered. This requires the following steps:
• From any screen on the MicroLink hit the “DOWN TIME CODE” softkey to enter the network
down time code screen.
• Hit the “Display Notes” softkey to enter the notes screen. Any machine notes that have been entered
in the LinkNet machine configuration (see section for details on how to enter machine notes)
will appear on the screen. If the notes are longer than a screen, then a “Next Page” or “Prev Page”
softkey will appear as appropriate.
• A softkey called “Die Notes” will appear when viewing machine notes, and a softkey called
“Machine Notes” will appear while viewing job notes. Once in the notes screen, hit the “Die Notes”
softkey to display the notes entered for the currently selected job (see section for details on
how to enter job notes). The same paging action is available as discussed for machine notes above.
Hit the “Machine Notes” softkey to view the machine notes again.
Manual Version 1.1