Using the microlink oit with linknet, Configuring the microlink oit for linknet, Using down time codes on the microlink oit – LINK Systems LinkNet II User Manual
Page 91: Section 9 using the microlink oit with linknet

Section 9 Using the MicroLink OIT with LinkNet
The MicroLink OIT gains some powerful new capabilities when combined with LinkNet. The
MicroLink OIT will work the same way it always has, but with a few additional screens and softkeys.
9.1 Configuring the MicroLink OIT for LinkNet
Before the MicroLink OIT can communicate with LinkNet, it must be assigned a machine number
and the network option must be turned on.
No two machines may have the same machine number or a machine number of 0!
Since LinkNet shares a single cable with all machines on the network, the machine number is used
by LinkNet to call out the machine it wants to “talk” to.
• From the main screen (the screen the MicroLink powers up in), select the “Diagnos” softkey.
• From the diagnostics screen press the “Config OIT” softkey. Note that this key will not be present
unless the Run/Prog keyswitch is in the “Prog” position. When prompted, enter the pass code to
enter the configuration screen.
• Enter the machine number in the “Machine Number” field.
• Push the “Serial Ports” softkey to display the communications setup screen
• Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight “Port 5" and hit the “Change Task” softkey until the
description for port 5 reads “Link Network”.
• Hit the “Config Task” softkey and the network configuration screen should appear. If necessary,
highlight the “Baud Rate” field and hit the “Change Setting” softkey until it reads “19200".
• Exit back out to the main screen.
9.2 Using Down Time Codes on the MicroLink OIT
Down time codes (DTCs) are a way for the press operator to easily keep a record of reasons why the
press is not in production. The DTCs are configured by an administrator using LinkNet as discussed in
section 4.8.2. When the LinkNet option is enabled (see section 9.1), the “DOWN TIME CODE” key on
the MicroLink keypad will bring up a network screen no matter what screen is being displayed.
To select or clear a DTC, hit the “DOWN TIME CODE” softkey on the MicroLink keypad. This
will bring up the network operation screen with a list of down time codes. Note that the down time code
descriptions are the ones that are configured in LinkNet and downloaded to the MicroLink
The current down time code and description are displayed near the top of the screen along with the
current time. Note that this area may display “AUTO” for the down time code and have a description
that is not on the list. These automatic down time codes, such as “Press Idle” or “Part Count Reached”,
Manual Version 1.1