6 region of interest windowing, Region of interest windowing – Datalogic Scanning Matrix 400 User Manual
Page 127

8.4.6 Region Of Interest Windowing
In order to satisfy very high throughput applications, higher frame rates can be achieved
using the powerful Region Of Interest Windowing parameters in the Calibration parameter
setup menu.
Region Of Interest Windowing allows defining a region or window within the reader FOV.
The Top, Bottom, Left and Right parameters allow to precisely define the image window to
be processed, visualized and saved.
In Matrix 400™ 600-0x0 models the frame rate is dependent on the number of lines (or rows)
in the defined window.
In Matrix 400™ 400-0x0 models the frame rate is dependent on the number of rows and
columns in the defined window.
The smaller the window, the lower the frame period and consequently the higher the frame
rate. In general the Image Processing time can be reduced by reducing the window