Datacom Systems J Class User Manual
Page 259

output window
The window that displays a process response to your command.
parent directory
A directory that contains other directories, each of which is then
called a subdirectory. See also subdirectory.
partner node
A workstation that shares its disk with a diskless node. See also disk-
less workstation.
The word you enter next to the password prompt at login time. Keep
your password secret and change it occasionally in order to protect
your account from unauthorized use. See also user account.
The hardware address of a device that is attached to the I/O system of
your workstation.
A series of names separated by slashes that describe the path of the
operating system from some starting point in the network to a destina-
tion object. Pathnames begin with the name of the starting point, and
include every directory name between the starting point and the des-
tination object. A pathname ends with the name of the destination ob-
ject. See also name, object.
A set of rights (read, write, execute) associated with an object in the
file system. Determines who may use the object.