Datacom Systems J Class User Manual
Page 245

bootstrap service
See boot.
A fundamental character–code unit, usually consisting of 8 bits.
Compact Disc Read–Only Memory. See also CD–ROM disc, CD–
ROM drive.
CD–ROM disc
CD–ROM discs are identical to the audio compact discs (CDs) used
to record stereo music, except that they store data. CD–ROM discs
are 120 mm (4.7 inches) in diameter, and use one data surface with a
capacity of 600 MB. The data surface contains pits and flat spots ar-
ranged in a continuous spiral track, which is read at a constant speed.
CD–ROM drive
A random–access, read–only, mass–storage device that uses remov-
able CD–ROM discs. The drive contains a semiconductor laser for
reading data optically and an embedded controller with a SCSI inter-
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The part of a workstation that interprets and executes instructions.
child directory
See subdirectory.