EXFO FTB-500 User Manual
Page 245

Using FTB Products in an Automated Test Environment
SCPI Command Structure
The following table shows elements that are commonly used in the
commands or queries syntax.
[ ]
Enclose optional keywords or parameters.
Do not include square brackets in your program message.
Indicates that the instrument provides multiple capabilities and that you
have to specify which one you want to use. If you omit the value, the
command will take effect on the first capability.
Multiple capabilities can be found at any branch of the command tree
(root, intermediate node or terminal node).
Example: If the command is :SENSe[1..n]:CORRection:COLLect:ZERO
and you want it to take effect on the second SENSe (sensor) capability
of the instrument, you may send this:
Do not include square brackets in your program message; simply enter
the number.
Indicates that a space is required (“wsp” stands for “white space”).
Corresponds to ASCII character codes (0 to 9 and 11 to 32, in decimal).
Do not include “
Element used in the construction of various numeric data types. Can
take any value between 0 and 9 inclusively (corresponds to ASCII
character codes 48 to 57, in decimal).