Digi X2 User Manual
Page 84
C o n f i g u r a t i o n t h r o u g h t h e w e b i n t e r f a c e
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The following table shows the network services, the services provided, and the default
network port number for each service.
Services provided
Device Discovery, also known as
Advanced Digi Discovery Protocol
Discovery of Digi devices on a network. Disabling this
service disables use of the Digi Device Discovery utility to
locate the device, either on its own or as part of running the
Digi Device Setup Wizard.
The network port number for ADDP cannot be changed
from its default.
Encrypted (Secure) RealPort
Secure Ethernet connections between COM or TTY ports
and device servers or terminal servers.
Line Printer Daemon (LPD)
Allows network printing over a serial port.
Modem Emulation Pool (pmodem)
Allows the Digi device to emulate a modem. Modem
emulation sends and receives modem responses to the serial
device over the Ethernet instead of Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). Telnet processing can be
enabled or disabled on the incoming and outgoing modem-
emulation connections. The pmodem service is for
connecting to whatever serial port will answer.
Modem Emulation Passthrough
Allows the Digi device to emulate a modem. This service is
for dialing in to a particular serial port that has been set up
for modem emulation.
A virtual connection to serial devices, no matter where they
reside on the network.
Remote login (Rlogin)
Allows users to log in to the Digi device and access the
command-line interface through Rlogin.
Remote shell (Rsh)
Allows users to log in to the Digi device and access the
command-line interface through Rsh.