Digi X2 User Manual
Page 108

C o n f i g u r a t i o n t h r o u g h t h e w e b i n t e r f a c e
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Click VPN Policy Settings to add, modify, or delete a VPN tunnel. VPN Tunnels
define the actual tunnels between two private networks. The tunnels specify the
information required to establish the secure channel, the routing between networks,
and the security policies used to encrypt and authorize the data. You can create a
maximum of two tunnels.If there are no VPN tunnels defined, the page looks like
To add a new VPN tunnel, click Add. If Add is disabled, the maximum tunnels
have already been created, and you can only modify or remove them.
To modify an existing VPN tunnel, click the Index link for the tunnel.
To remove an existing VPN tunnel, click the Remove link for the tunnel.
On the VPN Tunnel #n - Configuration page, configure the VPN tunnel and its
security settings. These settings describe the VPN tunnel, specify the remote VPN
endpoint, and specify the method used to establish the VPN tunnel. These settings
typically are specified by the remote VPN server and should correspond
Description: A description or name for the VPN tunnel.
Remote VPN Endpoint: The IP address or hostname of the peer with which to
establish the connection.
VPN Tunnel: The method of establishing the VPN tunnel. Tunnels can be
either Manual-Keyed IPSec/ESP or ISAKMP.