Client initiated management connection settings, Server initiated management connection settings – Digi X2 User Manual
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C o n f i g u r e D i g i d e v i c e s
Client initiated management connection settings
Enable Remote Management and Configuration using a client initiated
connection: Configures the connection to the Connectware Manager server to
be initiated by the Connectware Manager client, that is, this Digi device.
Server Hostname: The IP address or hostname of the Connectware Manager
Automatically reconnect to the server after being disconnected
Wait for: Whether to automatically reconnect to the server after being
disconnected and waiting for the specified amount of time.
Server initiated management connection settings
Enable Remote Management and Configuration using a server initiated
connection: Configures th
e connection to the Connectware Manager
server to be initiated by the Connectware Manager server.
Enable Last Known Address (LKA) updates to the following server:
Enables or disables a connection to a Connectware Manager server to inform
that server of the IP address of the Digi device, known as a “last known
address” (LKA) update. This permits the Connectware Manager to connect
back to the Digi Cellular Family device, or to dynamically update a DNS with
the IP address of the device.
Server Hostname: The IP address or hostname of the Connectware Manager
Retry if the LKA update fails:
Retry every: These options specify whether another “last known address”
update attempt should be made after a previous attempt failed, and how often
the retry attempts should occur.