Alarm conditions, Alarm list – Digi X2 User Manual

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Alarm conditions

The Alarm Conditions part of the Alarms page shows a list of all of the alarms. Up to 32

alarms can be configured for a Digi device, and they can be enabled and disabled


Alarm list

The list of alarms displays the current status of each alarm. If there are any alarms already

configured for the device, and after configuring any new alarms, this list can be used to

list to view alarm status at a glance, then view more details for each alarm as needed.

Enable: Checkbox indicates whether the alarm is currently enabled or disabled.

Alarm: The number of the alarm.

Status: The current status of the alarm, which is either enabled or disabled.

Type: Specifies whether the alarm is based on GPIO pin state changes or serial
data pattern matching.

Trigger: The conditions that trigger the alarm.

SNMP Trap: Indicates whether the alarm is sent as an SNMP trap.

If the SNMP Trap field is disabled, and the Send To field has a value, then the
alarm is sent as an email message only.

If the SNMP trap field is enabled and the Send To field is blank, then the alarm
is sent as an SNMP trap only.

If the SNMP Trap field is enabled, and a value is specified in the Send to field,
then that means the alarm is sent both as an email and as an SNMP trap.

Send To: The email address to which the alarm is sent.

Email Subject: The text to be included in the “Subject:” line of any alarms sent
as email messages.