Digi X2 User Manual

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C o n f i g u r a t i o n t h r o u g h t h e w e b i n t e r f a c e

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The Home page

The left side of the Home page has a menu of choices that display pages for configuration,

management, and administration tasks, and to log out of the web interface. This chapter

focuses on the choices under Configuration and Application. For details on monitoring

Digi devices and the choices under Management, see Chapter 3, "Monitor and manage

Digi devices". For details on the tasks under Administration, see Chapter 4,

"Administration tasks".

Clicking Logout logs out of a configuration and management session with a Digi device.

It does not close the browser window, but displays a logout window. To finish logging out

of the web interface and prevent access by other users, close the browser window. Or, log

back on to the device by clicking the link on the screen. After 5 minutes of inactivity, the

idle timeout also automatically performs a user logout.

The Getting Started section has a link to a tutorial on configuring and managing Digi


The System Summary section notes all available device-description information.

Configuration pages

The choices under Configuration in the menu display pages for configuring settings for

various features, such as network settings, mobile settings, and serial port settings.

Some of the configuration settings are organized on sets of linked screens. For example,

the Network Configuration screen initially displays the IP Settings, and provides links to

Network Services Settings, Advanced Settings, and other network settings appropriate to

the Digi device.