Viconics VZ7260X Installation Guide User Manual
Page 25

25 | VZ7260B Series - Installation Guide
Min Pos
Zone damper minimum
Default : 10%
Sets the minimum position of the damper.
0 to 100% (Increments: 1% or 10%)
Max Pos
Zone damper maximum
Default : 100%
Sets the maximum position of the damper for both heating
and cooling mode of the RTU.
0 to 100% (Increments: 1% or 10%)
Zone damper Maximum
heating position
Default : 30%
Opens the damper up to this maximum position when the
primary air is cold and used only when the RTU is in
cooling mode and there is a local call for reheat using the
reheat output(s).
This will maximize the efficiency and delivery of a duct
mounted reheat device by augmenting the airflow on a
single duct VAV.
0 to 100% (Increments: 1% or 10%)
PI heating weight zone output
used for RTU controller
demand calculations
Default value: 100%
Weight of the zone in the calculation of the PI Heating
Demand calculation of the RTU controller.
If a zone has a special application (servers room,
mechanical room, etc) and have impact on other rooms’
comfort, this parameter can be set to 0%.
Please refer to the Zoning System Application Guide for
more information that impacts systems operation.
Set all heating weight to 0% if the RTU is cooling only.
Valid range: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
PI cooling weight zone output
used for RTU controller
demand calculations
Default value: 100%
Calculation of the RTU controller.
If a zone has a special application such as (server room,
mechanical room, etc) and has impact on the comfort of
other rooms, this parameter can be set to 0%.
Please refer to the Zoning System Application Guide for
more information regarding systems operation.
Valid range: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
HT Perfo
Controller’s heating
Default value: None
Not a configuration parameter. Only displays the
controller’s performance in heating mode.
This value is only valid if there’s no change in system
mode, setpoints or occupancy for at least 1.5 hours. These
changes cause the value to reset to an invalid value
(above 20°F)