PRG Mbox Remote Manual 3.9 User Manual

Page 87

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that will work. Depending on your requirements and other devices on the network, you may require different settings.
Refer to

"Appendix A. Networking For Mbox"

on page 102 for more information on subnet masks.

Note: It is possible to receive control data and output pixel mapping data from the same interface on the computer,
but this is not recommended except in very simple configurations with only a few universes of data both in and out.
And of course the IP address/subnet mask setup of the single interface must work for both input and output devices.


The pixel map level channel on the Master fixture masters the overall output levels generated when pixel

mapping. If this channel is at a level of 0, then you will be outputting valid pixel mapping data, but all levels will be
suppressed. In addition, the Master control channel can be used together with the Master Control Selector channel to
enable/disable all pixel mapping output or to force all fixtures using the mask property to output zero.



An active protocol must have one destination, but may have more than one destination.


Art-Net and sACN can have a default destination. All universes of that protocol that lack a specific destination are
sent to the default destination.


For Art-Net, the use of the default destination means that an ArtPOLL request will be sent out if ArtPOLL is not
disabled. ArtPOLL may be disabled using the checkbox on Mbox’s Setup tab.


If an ArtPOLL response is received from a compatible device, then that device may receive unicast Art-Net
transmissions for the universes that it requests.


Universes not requested by ArtPOLL compatible devices will be broadcast to the specified subnet.


If no ArtPOLL responses are received, all data will be broadcast to the specified subnet.


If more than one ArtPOLL responder requests the same universe, that universe will be broadcast to the subnet,
rather than unicast.


For sACN, the use of the default destination means that multicast will be used.


Each universe is sent to a specific multicast IP Address.


Receiving devices listen for data on the appropriate addresses.


You can disable the default entry for Art-Net and sACN by choosing an interface of “None” in the setup menu
(reached by clicking on the gear icon) in the IP address/Interface name column.


Any Art-Net or sACN universe that has a discrete entry in the destinations table will be sent directly to the
specified destination, not to the default destination.


A discrete entry may direct the universe to be output from a different interface than the default.


KiNET may not have a default destination, as transmission of this protocol is typically unicast.


Destinations may be expressed as either interface names on the computer or as IP Addresses. This is true for
both the default destination and any discrete destinations.


Interface names must be an exact match to work properly (e.g., "Ethernet 1" or "Wi-Fi").


If an interface name is used, the destination IP Address will be the subnet broadcast address for that interface.


IP Addresses may be any valid IP Address that can be routed internally or externally. They may be Unicast,
Subnet Broadcast, or Full Broadcast.


When using discrete IP Addresses, if there is no route to a device with that IP Address (as determined by the
Mbox computer’s OS and network stack) then no data will be output to that destination. There is no fallback if the
configuration is wrong or the device is not present on the network.


"Appendix A. Networking For Mbox"

on page 102 for more information about IP address and

subnet mask setup.