Edit database settings – Keri Systems BioPointe User Manual

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Biopointe Central User’s Manual

Advance Features 62

Database Setup allows user to change the properties of the displayed database table. User cannot change the
field type or add or delete fields. But user can add a counter to a particular field to increment an ID number
as user adds a record. User can set the field to invisible during display or user can set the field to viewable
but not editable. Or user can add in default values and have a selection list in the table. This Option allows
the user to control some of the database field definitions.


Make sure the entire database table is closed. They are no active table in the System
before changing the Database Settings.

Edit Database Settings,

(1) Close the active database table by selecting File Main Menu, then Close Option.
(2) Open the Database Setup by selecting System Menu, then Database Setup.
(3) Open the FPUSER.DBF from the Database setup File option.

Double-click on each of the field and the Field Definition dialog box will be shown.

The following illustration identifies and names each part of the window. The text explains how each
part functions.

You can create; edit database properties in the Biopointe Central.


Double-Click to
open the field
definition for the
selected field.

Click this to save
the settings.