Keri Systems BioPointe User Manual
Page 41
Biopointe Central User’s Manual
Advance Features 37
E) Fill Default
Fill Default option allows you to control the size of the exported fields. When the checkbox for any field is
checked, the system will use this field size defined by the user. This field size must be enough to avoid any
truncation of the data for that field. For example, if the field size is less than the total length of the data, the
data will be truncated in the exported file. However, if the field size is more than the total length of the
data, the data will be preceded with spacing. Take note that, this will apply for all the fields except for
USERID field where it will be preceded with zeros instead of spacing.
F) Default File
Default File option allows user to set a default export text file in the selected directory. When the checkbox
is checked. The system will automatically overwrite the selected file with exported data. If the checkbox is
not checked, the system will always prompt user for the directory and filename before exporting the data.
G) Filter
Filter option provides the user with a way to filter unwanted data before exporting the data into the text file.
The user can filter the data according to log date/time range, user id range and device id range. For keying
a date range, you have to follow the system date format. You can double-click to pick a date from the
The date filter does not support system date format : dd-mm-yy. (Eg:01-Dec-00 )
H) Export Button
Click Export button to export the log data into an ASCII text file.
Below is a sample of the exported log file in ASCII text format with comma separator.
DeviceID,LogDate,LogTime,UserID,LogType,LandCode,SiteCode,User Name,Department,Description
2,02/08/2000,17:30:40,0,24,0,0,,,Door switch open
2,02/08/2000,17:30:52,0,161,0,0,,,Setup Mode exit status
I) Export Date and Time format
Select which kind of Log Date and Log Time format to be exported into the text file.