15 set maximum connection time, 16 hold-open gate 1, Entraguard bronze – Keri Systems EntraGuard Bronze Quick Start User Manual

Page 23: Telephone entry quick s tart guide

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EntraGuard Bronze

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Page 23 of 32

Telephone Entry

Quick S

tart Guide

5.3.15 Set Maximum Connection Time

The Set Maximum Connection Time command allows you to set the maximum amount of time the
connection between the EntraGuard Bronze unit and the residence telephone remains active. Once
this time has passed, the Bronze unit releases the phone line providing the normal dial tone. The
factory default value is 60 seconds; the maximum value is 65 seconds. Entering a value of 0 sets the
unit to not allow a connection. Perform the following to set the maximum connection time.

1. Press .

2. Enter the desired maximum connection time value –

(default is 60 seconds).

3. Press

to lock in the new maximum connection time. The unit emits a short, high-pitched

tone to indicate the new maximum connection time has been accepted. The unit emits a short,
high-pitched tone followed by a low-pitched tone if the maximum connection time has been

EXAMPLE: Enter the following to set the maximum connection time to “45” seconds.

4. You can now enter another program command or press

to exit programming mode.

5.3.16 Hold-Open Gate 1

The Hold-Open Gate 1 command allows you to immediately activate the gate 1 relay for the
specified period of time. The time range is from 1 to 99998 minutes (approximately 69.5 days). If
no value is entered, gate 1 remains open until a Close Gate 1 command is issued (see “Close Gate
1” on page 24). Once the command is i
ssued, the gate is opened immediately.

Perform the following to hold gate 1 open for a finite period of time.

1. Press .

2. Enter the desired gate 1 hold-open value –


3. Press

to lock in the gate 1 hold-open value. The unit emits a short, high-pitched tone to

indicate the gate 1 hold-open value has been accepted. The unit emits a short, high-pitched tone
followed by a low-pitched tone if the gate 1 hold-open time has been rejected.