Corinex Global ADSL2+ User Manual
Page 58

Corinex ADSL+ Gateway G Configuration
Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G
The SNMP agents support 3 community names authentication.
In the table below, you can find description of all fields in this section.
Definition/ Description
Enable SNMP Agent
SNMP Agents are enabled by default.
Enable SNMP Traps
SNMP Traps are enabled by default.
An administratively-assigned name for the
gateway. By convention, this is the node’s ful-
ly-qualified domain name.
The physical location of the Gateway.
Contact person and/or contact information
for the Gateway.
Vendor OID
Vendor object identifier. Private MIBs fit under
OID The enterprise number of TI
is 294.
SNMP defines a community to be a relation-
ship between an SNMP agent and one or
more SNMP managers. Once the clear-text
community name corresponds to a com-
munity known to the receiving SNMP entity,
the sending SNMP entity is considered to be
authenticated as a member of that commu-
nity and is granted different levels of access:
read-only or read-write. The combination of
community access mode and that of an ob-
ject, a community profile is defined for each
object. The community profile defines the op-
eration permitted to the object. In the Linux
NSP Gateway, a default community name of
“public” with access mode of “read-only” is
created in the configuration file. It allows a
GET or a GETNEXT operation to all objects
with access rights of READ-ONLY and READ-
WRITE in the MIB..