Corinex Global ADSL2+ User Manual

Page 36

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Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G Configuration

Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G




Your user name for the PPPoE access; this is provided by
your DSL service provider or your ISP.


The password for the PPPoE access; it is provided by your
DSL service provider or your ISP.

Idle Timeout

Specifies that PPPoE connection should disconnect if the
link has no activity detected for n seconds. This field is used
in conjunction with the On-Demand feature. To ensure
that the link is always active, enter a 0 in this field.

Keep Alive

When on-demand option is not enabled, this value specifies
the time to wait without being connected to your provider
before terminating the connection. To ensure that the link
is always active, enter a 0 in this field.


Three authentication options are available: auto, Chal-
lenge Handshake Authentication protocol
and Password Authentication Protocol (PAP).


Maximum Transmit Unit that the DSL connection can
transmit. It is a negotiated value that asks the provider to
send packets of no more than n bytes. The maximum speci-
fied value is 1500 although some DSL/ISP providers require
a larger value. The minimum MTU value is 128.


Enables on-demand mode. The connection will disconnect
if no activity is detected after the specified idle timeout

Default Gateway

If checked, this connection becomes the default gateway
to the Internet.

Enforced MTU

Check this box if you experience problems accessing the
Internet over a PPPoE connection. This feature will force
all TCP traffic to conform with PPP MRU by changing TCP
Maximum Segment Size to PPP MRU.


Enables PPPoE connection debugging facilities. You can
read more about debugging in following text.

PPP UNnumbered

This is a special feature for telecommunication. It is used
for assigning blocks of public addresses to the client and
makes the PPP appear as pass-through.


The LAN field associated with the PPP UNunmbered field.
The packets need to go through specific LAN when the
PPP UNnumbered feature is activated.