D.2 step two: pinging for a web address – Corinex Global ADSL2+ User Manual
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Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G
1. Power on the computer and the Gateway, and restore the network
configuration set by your ISP if you have changed it.
2. Click Start, then Run, and type command. This will bring up the DOS
3. At DOS command prompt, type ping corinex.com (assuming that your desired
IP address location is configured as corinex.com) and press Enter. As an exam
ple, the following data information, taken from a ping of Microsoft Network e-
mail server, will be displayed:
4. Write down the IP address returned by the ping command. (In the example
) This IP address is the actual IP address of the mail server, or
any other value you have pinged.
D.2 Step Two: Pinging for a Web Address
While the above-mentioned IP address could perform as your e-mail server
address, it might not be permanent. IP addresses change very much often. Web
addresses, however, usually don’t. This is the reason, why you are likely to have
fewer problems by configuring your system with web addresses rather than IP ad-
dresses. Follow the instructions below to find the web address assigned to the IP
address you just pinged.
1. At the DOS command prompt, type ping -a, where
is the IP address you just pinged. Information such as the following data will be