Corinex Global ADSL2+ User Manual
Page 132

Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G
LAN (Local Area Network) - The computers and networking products that
make up the network in your home or office.
Latency - The time delay between when the first bit of a packet is received and
the last bit is forwarded.
MAC Address - The MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique number
assigned by the manufacturer to any Ethernet networking device, such as a net-
work adapter, that allows the network to identify it at the hardware level.
Mbps (MegaBits Per Second) - One million bits per second; unit of measure-
ment for data transmission.
Multicasting - Sending data to a group of destinations at once.
NAT - NAT (Network Address Translation) is the translation of an Internet Proto-
col address (IP address) used within one network to a different IP address known
within another network. One network is designated the inside network and the
other is the outside.
NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface) - The transport layer for
NetBIOS. NetBIOS and NetBEUI were originally part of a single protocol suite that
was later separated. NetBIOS sessions can be transported over NetBEUI, TCP/IP,
and SPX/IPX protocols.
NetBIOS - The native networking protocol in DOS and Windows networks.
Although originally combined with its transport layer protocol (NetBEUI), NetBIOS
today provides a programming interface for applications at the session layer (layer
5). NetBIOS can ride over NetBEUI, its native transport, which is not routable,
or over TCP/IP and IPX/SPX, which are routable protocols. NetBIOS computers
are identified by a unique 15-character name, and Windows machines (NetBIOS
machines) periodically broadcast their names over the network so that Network
Neighborhood can catalog them. For TCP/IP networks, NetBIOS names are turned
into IP addresses via manual configuration in an LMHOSTS file or a WINS server.
There are two NetBIOS modes. The Datagram mode is the fastest mode, but does
not guarantee delivery. It uses a self-contained packet with send and receive name,
usually limited to 512 bytes. If the recipient device is not listening for messages,
the datagram is lost. The Session mode establishes a connection until broken. It
guarantees delivery of messages up to 64KB long.
Network - A system that transmits any combination of voice, video, and/or data
between users.