Corinex Global ADSL2+ User Manual
Page 44

Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G Configuration
Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G
The following table describes the options of the PVC Settings:
Permanent virtual circuit. A fixed virtual circuit between
two users: the public data network equivalent of a leased
line. No call setup or clearing procedures are needed.
Virtual path identifier
Virtual channel identifier. 16-bit field in the header of an
ATM cell. The VCI, together with the VPI, is used to iden-
tify the next destination of a cell as it passes through to
the ATM switch. It is sometimes called virtual channel
Quality of Service, a feature of data transmission that
measures how accurately and how quickly a message or
data is transferred from a source computer to a destina-
tion computer over a network. The three QoS options are:
Undefined Bit Rate (UBR), Constant Bit Rate (CBR),
and Variable Bit Rate (VBR).
Peak Cell Rate (in cells/sec) is the cell rate, which the source
may never exceed.
Sustain Cell Rate
Maximum Burst Size - traffic parameter that specifies the
maximum number of cells that can be transmitted at the
Peak Cell rate.
Cell Delay Variation Tolerance
Auto PVC
Auto Permanent Virtual Circuit, see PVC.
DHCP Connection Setup
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows the gateway to automatically
obtain the IP address from the server. This option is commonly used in situations
where IP is dynamically assigned and is not known prior to assignment.
Use the following procedures to configure the gateway for a DHCP connection.
1. From the Setup main page, click on New Connection.
The default PPPoE connection setup is displayed.