Corinex Global ADSL2+ User Manual
Page 42

Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G Configuration
Corinex ADSL2+ Wireless Gateway G
2. At the Type field select Static.
The Static connection setup page is displayed. The picture below illustrates a
typical Static configuration.
3. Enter a unique name for the Static connection in the Name field.
The name must not have spaces and cannot begin with numbers.
4. You can also enable Network Address Translation (NAT) and the Firewall options.
If you are unsure, leave these in the default mode.
5. Under Static settings, select the encapsulation type (LLC or VC).
Note: If you are not sure just use the default mode.
6. Based upon the information your DSL/ISP provided, enter your assigned IP
address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway (if provided), and Domain Name
Services (DNS) values (if provided).
7. For the static configuration, you can also select a Bridged connection or a
Routed connection. Since static IP address is typically used to host WEB servers,
you may want to use a bridge connection.
8. Under PVC Settings, enter the values of VPI and VCI settings.
Note: Your DSL service provider or your ISP will supply these.