Haltech E6M User Manual
Page 44

multitooth trigger must be a multiple of the spark events. This trigger requires a home
signal for synchronisation of the trigger and engine position.
Motronic This trigger is a variation of the multitooth trigger pattern. This setting is
compatible with the BOSCH Motronic controlled engines. The Motronic wheel has
multiple teeth with a set number of teeth missing for synchronisation removing the
need for a separate home signal. The BOSCH Motronic wheel usually has 60 teeth
positions with 58 teeth and 2 missing teeth.
E6M and E6M-8 ONLY
When the ECU is to be triggered by a motronic wheel using a reluctor type
sensor (most but not all motronic systems), it is necessary to specify this when
ordering your E6M system.
Subaru This trigger should be used when the standard Subaru trigger is used.
Twin Trigger This trigger is used in systems that require two independent ignition or
fuel channels such as odd-fire or some twin distributor applications. The second
trigger takes the place of the home signal.
Nissan This trigger should be used when the standard Nissan trigger is used.
Number of Teeth
This field is only applicable if the trigger type is: Multitooth, Motronic. The Number
of teeth :
Multitooth The number of teeth on the multitooth wheel
Motronic The number of teeth on the motronic wheel including the missing teeth.
Only 60 teeth less 2 and 36 teeth less 1 or 2 are supported at present.
Tooth Offset
This field is only applicable if the trigger type is: Multitooth or Motronic. The offset
is the number of teeth after the synchronisation the trigger must occur.
Home Window Teeth
This field is only applicable if the trigger type is Nissan. The home window teeth is
the number of teeth counted during the home window.
Nissan Tooth Offset
This field is only applicable if the trigger type is Nissan. The Nissan tooth offset is
used to delay the trigger event after the synchronisation event defined by home
window teeth.
Spark Mode
This field defines the ignition delivery used, the options are: Distributor, Direct Fire or
Twin Distributor.
Coils on 4-cylinder motor
This field is only applicable if the spark mode is Direct Fire and the number of
cylinders in the main set-up is 4. The options for this field are: 2 or 4. If 2 is selected
waste spark is used. If 4 is selected there is one coil for each cylinder.
Engine Type
This field defines the engine type: Piston or Rotary.