Flintec PC6D User Manual

Page 9

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Manual PC6D CANopen Page 9

The format of the RPDO1 and RPDO2 is:

8 Bit

8 Bit

LDM select

Command byte

Note: On PC6D the LDM selector byte is ignored.

The command byte of RPDO1 is used as follows:

Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

Cmd: SnG SnN





SnG means select Gross Weight


SnN means select Net Weight


ST means Set Tare


RT means Reset (Clear) Tare


SZ means Set Zero


RZ means Reset (Clear) Zero

The command byte of RPDO2 is used as follows:

Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0




- TR is a software trigger that starts an average measurement.
- TS Trigger Stop; stop triggered measurement(s).

3.2 Network


The PC6D implements the Network Management protocol with the node guarding protocol.

The PC6D also implements an address setup feature. The network controller may change a
PC6D node address using COB-ID = 0.
The frame must be sent while the PC6D is in its PRE-OPERATIONAL state and it must have
the following contents:

8 bits

8 Bit

48 bit (12 BCD digits)

Hex: 55


BCD coded serial number

The serial number must be BCD coded and right-justified with as many leading zeros as
needed to make 12 BCD digits.

All PC6D on the CANbus will receive the message, but only the PC6D with the serial number
given will react to, and echo the frame with 55h changed to AAh. The PC6D will save the new
setting immediately and then restart itself.