Flintec PC6D User Manual
Page 37

Manual PC6D CANopen Page 37
Request / Set Hysteresis value for setpoint 1
Master (PC / PLC) sends
Device responds
H1 1-00100
Request: neg. Hysteresis
H1_100 OK
Setting: pos. Hysteresis
H1_-100 OK
Setting: neg. Hysteresis
Setpoint range between ± 1 (minimum) and ± 199999 (maximum).
Similarly to read or set the setpoint 1 hysteresis, use H2 instead of H1 etc.
Request / Set the base for setpoint 1
[ 2800sub01 ]
The A1 command defines the base on which the setpoint value acts. If A1 is set to “0”
then setpoint 1 acts on the unfiltered gross weight. If A1 is set to “1” then setpoint 1 acts on
the unfiltered net weight.
A1 = 0
Not filtered gross weight
A1 = 1
Not filtered net weight
Request / Set base for setpoint 1
Master (PC / PLC) sends
Device responds
A1 1+00000
Allocation gros weight
A1_1 OK
Allocation net weight
Similarly to read or set the setpoint 1 base, use A2 instead of A1 etc.
The PC6D transmits one TPDO2 every time a setpoint changes state. The weight sent in the
TPDO2 is the weight that caused the TPDO2 to be transmitted, Net or Gross as selected for
the actual setpoint. The TPDO2 also holds the Weighing status flags and the setpoint
If two (or more) setpoint have exactly the same settings the setpoint with the higher number
will be “hidden”.
NOTE: All changes to the setpoint settings have to be stored in EEPROM using the SS
command. See section 5.10.