EVCO EVD120 User Manual
Page 16
Copying the configuration parameters of EVD120 in the programming key
EVKEY using the software Params Manager
Operate as follows:
make sure to have the programming key EVKEY
switch on the power supply of EVD120 and wait 4 s at least since the power supply has been switched on
connect EVKEY to port 2 of EVD120: the LED of EVKEY will shed green light
Fig. 5 - Connecting EVKEY to port 2 of EVD120.
press the button of EVKEY 1 s: LED Prog of EVD120 will flash and the LED of EVKEY will shed green light and
red light alternatively.
operate as related in paragraph 2.3 till step 12 inclusive holding in consideration the instrument address has value
248 (step 7.).
Keep operating as follows:
1. Choose Store to key.
The configuration parameters of EVD120 will be copied in EVKEY; during the copy the LED of EVKEY sheds red
2. Wait the LED of EVKEY finishes shedding red light
3. Choose Exit, then Exit again.
4. Switch off the power supply of EVD120.
5. Disconnect EVKEY from port 2 of EVD120.
6. Disconnect terminals “1”, “2” and “3” of EVD120 from the RS-485 output of the serial interface.
Copying the configuration parameters of EVD120 in the programming key EVKEY using the
software Params Manager (in order to program several EVD120 that are different of the instru-
ment address)
Operate as follows:
operate as related in paragraph 2.6 making sure parameter Enable AutoIncremental Address Key has value 1.
The first EVD120 programmed with the procedure related in paragraph 2.7 will have the same configuration
parameters of the EVD120 used to copy the configuration parameters in EVKEY; the second EVD120 pro-
grammed with the procedure related in paragraph 2.7 will have the same configuration parameters of the EVD120
used to copy the configuration parameters in EVKEY but parameter instrument address (its value will be in-
creased of one unit); the third EVD120 programmed with the procedure related in paragraph 2.7 will have the
same configuration parameters of the EVD120 used to copy the configuration parameters in EVKEY but param-
eter instrument address (its value will be increased of two units) and so on.
the copy of the configuration
parameters takes 10 s at most; if in
this time EVKEY does not signal the
operation has successfully been com-
pleted (or the LED of EVKEY fin-
ishes shedding red light to shed green
light again), it takes to switch off the
power supply of EVD120, discon-
nect EVKEY from port 2 of EVD120
and repeat the copy