Comtrol DM ATS-NTe User Manual
Comtrol Accessories communication
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- Installation and Setup
- Product Overview
- Installation
- Initial Hardware Installation to Configure the ATS- NTE
- 1. Place the DeviceMaster ATS-NTE on a stable surface or attach it to a suitable surface using th...
- 2. Verify that the compact flash is fully inserted. When installed correctly, the compact flash i...
- 3. Connect the 15-pin monitor cable from a standard VGA monitor to the VGA connector.
- 4. Connect a standard PS/2 compatible keyboard (6-pin mini DIN) into the KEYBOARD connector.
- 5. Connect a PS/2 compatible mouse (6-pin mini DIN) into the MOUSE connector.
- Connecting Optional Devices to the ATS- NTE
- 1. To dial-in and manage the ATS-NTE through a modem, connect an external modem to the AUX A conn...
- 2. If you want to connect a parallel printer to the system, connect the printer cable to the PARA...
- 3. Optionally, insert one of the Comtrol approved PCMCIA devices into one of the PCMCIA slots. Th...
- 4. Optionally, connect the PC104 RocketPort® cable (quad- or octacable) to the SERIAL PORTS 1-8 c...
- Powering on the ATS-NTE
- Other Installation and Configuration Procedures
- Initial Hardware Installation to Configure the ATS- NTE
- Configuring the Network Settings on the ATS-NTE
- Changing the Default Computer and Workgroup Names
- 1. Right-click the Network Neighborhood icon and select Properties.
- 2. Select the Identification tab and the Change button.
- 3. Enter a new computer name and select Ok.
- 4. To change the Workgroup name, select the Change button, enter a new Workgroup name and select Ok.
- 5. Reboot the system so that the changes take affect.
- Configuring Dialin for NetMeeting
- 1. From the Start button, select Programs/ Administrative Tools (Common)/User Manager.
- 2. Select New User from the User menu.
- 3. Enter the new user name, the user’s full name, and a description.
- 4. Enter a password and confirm the password.
- 5. Uncheck User Must Change Password at Next Login.
- 6. Select the Dialin button.
- 7. Select the Grant dialin permission to user option and then the Ok button to close the Dialin I...
- 8. Select the Groups button.
- 9. Make the user a Member of the Administrators group and select the Ok button.
- 10. Select Ok to close the New User pop-up.
- 11. Exit the User Manager.
- Setting Up Remote Management
- Configuring RAS TCP/IP for Dialin
- 1. Open the Network control panel and select the Services tab.
- 2. Highlight Remote Access Service and select the Properties button.
- 3. To configure a modem on AUX A, select the Network button and go to Step 5.
- 4. To configure the Xircom Modem 56-GlobalACCESS modem:
- 5. Select the TCP/IP Configure button.
- 6. Select Use static address pool, enter a range of valid IP addresses, and then select the Ok bu...
- 7. Select Ok to close the Network Configuration popup.
- 8. Select the Continue button in the Remote Access Setup popup.
- 9. Select the Close button in the Network window.
- 10. Shutdown and restart the system as prompted.
- Client Configuration
- Configuring RAS TCP/IP for Dialin
- Managing Files on the ATS-NTE
- Using NetMeeting
- Accessing the ATS- NTE
- Retrieving Files from the ATS-NTE
- 1. Start up NetMeeting on the remote system. (Use Accessing the ATS-NTE on Page 14, if necessary).
- 2. After accessing the ATS-NTE, right-click on the NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing icon in the ...
- 3. Select Add Files in the File menu and select the files you want to transfer.
- 4. Select Send All or Send a File from the File menu.
- 5. Close the Transfer Complete pop-ups.
- Sending Files to the ATS-NTE
- 1. Start up NetMeeting on the remote system. (Use Accessing the ATS-NTE on Page 14, if necessary).
- 2. Select File Transfer from the Tools menu.
- 3. Select Add Files from the File menu and select the files you want to transfer.
- 4. Select Send All or Send a File from the File menu.
- 5. Close the Transfer Complete popup.
- Using NetMeeting
- PC104 RocketPort Option
- Default PC104 Port Configuration
- Configuring the Serial Ports
- 1. Right-click the Network Neighborhood icon and select Properties.
- 2. Select the Adapters tab.
- 3. Highlight Comtrol RocketPort and select the Properties button.
- 4. Highlight the port for which you want to configure COM port characteristics and select Propert...
- 5. If you selected RS-485 as the communications mode, highlight the port, select Properties and t...
- 6. To change the name of the PC104 RocketPort adapter or the starting COM port number, highlight ...
- 7. If you want to set the verbose event log or change the scan rate, select the Options tab.
- 8. Select Ok to close the Setup window.
- 9. Select Ok to close the Network window.
- 10. Reboot if requested by the system.
- Connecting Serial Devices
- Installing Modems on the RocketPort Serial Ports
- Using the ATS-NTE Standard Modem Driver
- 1. Connect the modem to the serial port you want to configure.
- 2. Open the Modem control panel and select the Add button.
- 3. Check the Don’t detect my modem... box and select Next.
- 4. Highlight Standard 28800 bps Modem and select the Next button.
- 5. Select the COM port that corresponds to the port number. This example shows connecting a modem...
- 6. Select Ok to the Modem Setup popup to restart the system.
- 7. Select Finish.
- 8. Select Close.
- 9. Select No, and shutdown and reboot the ATS-NTE.
- 10. After rebooting the system, open the Network control panel, select the Services tab, highligh...
- 11. Select the Add button.
- 12. Select the COM port number that corresponds to COM port installed in Step 5 and select Ok.
- 13. Select the Continue button.
- 14. Select Yes, shutdown, and restart your ATS-NTE.
- Using the Modem Manufacturer’s Driver
- 1. If you want to use a modem driver that supports more than the standard 28800 bps default drive...
- 2. Connect the modem to the serial port you want to configure.
- 3. Open the Modem control panel and select the Add button.
- 4. Check the Don’t detect my modem... box and select Next.
- 5. Select the modem manufacturer and model from the lists, and select Next.
- 6. Select the COM port number that corresponds to the port number. This example shows connecting ...
- 7. Select Finish.
- 8. Select Close.
- 9. Select No, and shutdown and reboot the ATS-NTE.
- 10. After rebooting the system, open the Network control panel, select the Services tab, highligh...
- 11. Open the Remote Access Setup window and select the Add button.
- 12. Select the COM port number that corresponds to COM port installed in Step 6 and select Ok.
- 13. Select the Continue button to close Remote Access Setup.
- 14. Select Yes, shutdown, and restart your ATS-NTE.
- Using the ATS-NTE Standard Modem Driver
- RocketPort Serial Port Connectors
- Troubleshooting Serial Ports
- Using Test Terminal
- 1. To start WCOM32, select Test Terminal from the Comtrol program group. The program window displ...
- 2. Select Open Port from the Port menu. A list of possible COM port numbers displays.
- 3. Select the COM port you want to test.
- Testing a Comtrol Port
- Testing an RS-485 Port
- Test Terminal Modem Control Signals
- Using Port Monitor
- Using Peer Tracer
- Using Test Terminal
- Device Driver and OS Capabilities and Limitations
- Certified PCMCIA Adapters
- Comtrol Certified PCMCIA Devices
- Xircom CreditCard Wireless Ethernet Adapter
- Enabling the Ethernet Adapter
- 1. Power up the ATS-NTE and log in as Administrator.
- 2. Open the Devices control panel.
- 3. Highlight the Xircom Wireless Ethernet Adapter Driver from the Devices list.
- 4. Select the Startup button.
- 5. Select Automatic for the Start up Type and select Ok.
- 6. Select Close to close the Devices folder.
- 7. Close the Devices control panel, then shut down the system.
- Changing the Client Name
- 1. Open the Network Control Panel and select the Adapters tab.
- 2. Highlight the Xircom Wireless Ethernet Adapter and the select Properties.
- 3. Edit the Client Name so that it matches the Computer Name in the Identification tab in the Net...
- 4. Optionally, confirm that the following parameters have the correct preset values. These are ne...
- 5. Select Ok when parameter values have been confirmed.
- 6. Select the Close button in the Network folder.
- 7. Select Yes if prompted to reboot the ATS-NTE.
- Setting Up the Utilities
- 1. From the Start button, select Run.
- 2. Select the Browse button, locate the following path, and select the Ok button.
- 3. Select Next for the initial setup window.
- 4. Select the appropriate Authentication Method and the Next button. The default selection is None.
- 5. Select Next for the remaining setup options.
- 6. Select the Finish button when the setup process has completed.
- Enabling Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
- 1. Double-click on the Xircom Client Encryption Manager (CEM) icon on your desktop.
- 2. Enter the password. The default password is Xircom and it is case-sensitive.
- 3. If the Xircom wireless adapter has never been configured, the initial status screen for the Cl...
- 4. Under the Commands menu, select Enter WEP Key...
- 5. Select the appropriate WEP Key Size, set the WEP Key Type to either Temporary or Permanent, an...
- 6. Select Ok to save.
- 7. Select Ok when finished and exit the utility.
- 8. Double-click on the Xircom Wireless Ethernet Client Utility (WECU).
- 9. When the initial client utility screen comes up, this message at the bottom of the screen, You...
- 10. Under the Commands menu in the top menu bar, select Edit Properties...
- 11. Select the Network Security tab.
- 12. Select Enable WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy).
- 13. Select Ok to close the Properties window.
- Verifying the Ethernet Adapter Set Up
- 1. Before powering up the ATS-NTE again, confirm that the Xircom Wireless Ethernet adapter is plu...
- 2. Repeat the power up and login sequence.
- 3. Open up the PCMCIA Control Panel.
- 4. Highlight the Xircom Wireless Ethernet Adapter and select the Properties button.
- 5. Select the Drivers tab, verify that the driver is installed and started, and then select the O...
- 6. Select Ok to close the PCMCIA folder.
- Enabling the Ethernet Adapter
- Xircom RealPort Modem 56 GlobalACCESS Adapter
- Reconfiguring AUX A as a Standard Serial Port
- Using the CONSOLE Port
- Troubleshooting and Technical Support
- Troubleshooting Checklist
- Using the Recovery CD
- 1. Turn off your PC to access the IDE cables.
- 2. Install the IDE compact flash adapter using the instructions that came with the adapter.
- 3. Insert the compact flash into the IDE compact flash adapter.
- 4. Disconnect any IDE hard drives.
- 5. Insert the Recovery CD and power on the PC.
- 6. Select the 2. Boot from CD-ROM item.
- 7. Select the 1. Restore Hard Drive From CD-ROM item.
- 8. Select the Restore button when the Hard Disk Recovery Menu appears.
- 9. During the reboot cycle:
- 10. Reconnect the hard drives disconnected in Step 4.
- Running the Diagnostics
- Customer Support Policy
- Technical Support
- Repair and Return Policy
- Appendix A. Connectors
- Appendix B. Specifications and Notices
- Appendix C. Default System Values
- Appendix D. Changing BIOS Configuration
- Index