Compaq GS320 User Manual
Page 288
OpenVMS Galaxy, 10-1
Outlook Express, 5-16
Overview, 1-2
ConsoleWorks, 8-4
adding, 9-14
committing partition map, 9-20
creating, 9-10
defined, 9-9
deleting, 9-16
loading partition map, 9-22
modifying partition map, 9-18
saving partition map, 9-20
validating partition map, 9-20
adding, 9-28
advanced, 9-34
basic, 9-26
defined, 9-25
deleting, 9-32
modifying, 9-30
Partition map, 9-6
committing, 9-20
loading, 9-22
modifying, 9-18
saving, 9-20
validating, 9-20
Partitions, SMC hard disk, E-1
CAPM, 9-5
changing user password, 8-44
default for first login, 8-3
Path variable, 11-24
PCI box local port, 3-6, 4-5, B-12, C-3,
COM1, 4-4, 4-8, 11-14, B-2, C-2
COM2, 6-2
local (GS80/160/320), 3-6, 4-5, B-12,
C-3, C-12
terminal server, 3-7, 11-9, B-13, C-13
Position identifier dial, terminal server,
Powering up the system, 2-4, 3-3, 4-3
Private LAN, configuring, 5-4
Profile (ConsoleWorks)
adding, 8-46
defined, 8-46
modifying, 8-48
Proxy, Internet Explorer, 11-18
Restoring the SMC disk, A-1
Restrictions, 7-8
RS-232C cable, 6-2
Scan (ConsoleWorks)
adding, 8-32
defined, 8-32
modifying, 8-32
SCM escape sequence, 7-8
SCM password, 7-8
SCM.PORT file, D-1, D-5
Script, ConsoleWorks, 5-14, D-2
Selecting network protocol, 5-7
Setting SMC system time, date, and
time zone, 5-2
Single-console system, connecting SMC
in, 4-1
SMC system
cabling to corporate network, 3-10, 4-
cabling to private network, 3-4, B-10
cabling to terminal server, 3-4, B-10
COM1 port, 4-4, 4-8, 11-14, B-2, C-2
COM2 port, 6-2
configuring for remote use, 6-1–6-6
desktop icons, 7-5
hard disk partitions, E-1
installing, 3-2, 4-2
logging on to, 7-2
long boot time, 11-2
network adapter 1, 3-10, 4-6
network adapter 2, 3-5, B-10