Compaq GS320 User Manual
Page 145

Enter the message in the Message text box. The maximum length is 255
Enter the timeout period in the Expires text box and select the units in the
dropdown menu to the right of the text box. The default is 1 hour, the
minimum 1 minute, and the maximum 9999 days. The message is deleted if
the recipient does not read it before the timeout period expires.
Reading Messages
Message status is indicated by the icon in the lower left corner of the lower
navigation panel. A plain mailbox icon (
) indicates that the user has no new
messages. An icon showing a mailbox with an envelope (
) means that the user
has messages.
Click on the icon to display a list of undeleted, unexpired messages. The
User user_name Messages screen (Figure 8–30) displays in a separate
browser window. The text of each message is displayed in a separate row
along with the name of the sender, the time the message was sent, and the
time and date it expires.
To delete a message, click the X in its row. The message is immediately
deleted, without confirmation.
Figure 8–30 User user_name Messages Screen