Compaq GS320 User Manual

Page 137

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All consoles: From the lower navigation panel select Events Detail.
The ConsoleWorks Events Detail screen displays (Figure 8–22).


Select the event or events to acknowledge.

Individual events: Each occurrence of an event is listed on a line.
Click in the checkbox on that line to select the event.

All events on the page: Click the link Select All. This selects all
events on the page. Click this link on other pages to select all events.


Optionally, enter a comment in the Comment box.


Click the button labeled Acknowledge Selected Events. The screen
redisplays with the name of the user who acknowledged the event and the
date in place of the checkbox and the comment, if included, in the
description column (Figure 8–23).


To delete the acknowledged events, click the button labeled Purge
Acknowledged Events. The screen redisplays without the event.

Figure 8–23 Acknowledged Event