Compaq GS320 User Manual
Page 127

In the left navigation panel select Manage. From the selection links select
Events. The Show Event screen displays.
At the top of the Show Event screen select Add Event. The Add Event
screen displays (Figure 8–16).
Enter the information for the event:
Event – Name of the event, limited to 61 characters. The name
specified in this field is used in the list on the Show Event screen.
Description – Description of the event, maximum 127 characters.
Pattern – The text string for which ConsoleWorks tests. This field is
limited to 255 characters. Wildcards are allowed: a percent sign (%) is a
single-character wildcard; an asterisk (*) is multiple characters. If you
use wildcards, be sure to check the Wild checkbox.
d. Wild – Check this box to indicate that the pattern field contains one or
more wildcard characters.
Case-insensitive – Check this box to disable case sensitivity.
Priority – The range is 1 (highest) to 999 (lowest). This is used by
ConsoleWorks to sort events.
Severity – The choices in this drop-down menu are critical,
informational, major, minor, and warning. The severity is used by
ConsoleWorks to sort events.
h. Display lines above and Display lines below – Provides context for
the string; maximum of 25 lines above and below the matched string, for
a total of 51 lines.
Click the Add Event button.
NOTE: When a text string matches, ConsoleWorks triggers an event (such as
sending mail) only when a carriage return is received from the console.
If lines below the string are displayed, the event activates only after the
carriage return from the last line is received.