ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Page 38

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1. Standard management with BYK-mac link
Enter the desired settings and use the "Send Standards" button of the toolbar to transfer
the data to the instrument. Please note, that only a template with the measurement and
display settings is transferred. Reading the standard values has to be done with the

2. Standard management with BYK-mac link and Organizer file
This function can also be combined with an Organizer (see chapter 1):

1. Create new standards in BYK-mac link
2. Send them to the instrument and measure the standards
3. Create an Organizer in auto-chart without entering Parameter 2 (color)
4. When selecting the Organizer on the BYK-mac, Parameter 2 is automatically
filled with the created standards.

Edit existing standard:
All standards listed in the "Standard Sheet" are displayed. Select one standard and,
thereafter the "Edit Standard" Window is displayed. Do the desired changes and use the
"Send Standards" button of the toolbar to transfer the data to the instrument. If the
standard was already measured, also the spectral data is transferred.

For saving of your report use the "Save As" function of Excel under the "File" menu.
The "Delete Memory" function of the toolbar allows you to delete the measured samples
from the instrument memory. Standards can only be deleted by using the delete function of
the instrument.