ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual
Page 24

6.2 Trend
...graphs the average per day / week / month for up to four checkzones in one graph over
the selected time. In one report for each checkzone a filter needs to be created.
Based on the specifications the trend can be displayed by color families. In this example
three reports were defined for each color family and one filter for each curve (= average of
selected checkzones) was defined
. The "Group By" field allows to change the scaling
of the time axis
Finished QC-Report in Excel:
Note: 3 or 2 scales can be displayed on one page. In the toolbar an icon for the desired
report type can be selected accordingly. For documentation of the results use the "Print"
function of the "File" menu.
See also other documents in the category ALTANA Measuring instruments:
- Micro-Gloss Short Instructions (2 pages)
- Micro-Gloss Manual (57 pages)
- Micro-TRI-Gloss μ (174 pages)
- Micro-Haze Plus (116 pages)
- Haze-Gloss Manual (128 pages)
- Haze-Gloss Short Operating Instructions (2 pages)
- Cloud-Runner Manual (57 pages)
- Cloud-Runner Short Instructions (2 pages)
- Wave-Scan Dual Operating Instructions (188 pages)
- Wave-Scan Short Instructions (2 pages)
- Micro-Wave-Scan Manual (62 pages)
- Micro-Wave-Scan Short Instructions (2 pages)
- Auto-Chart (42 pages)
- Haze-Gard Plus Operating Instructions (180 pages)
- Haze-Gard Plus Short Instructions (2 pages)
- Haze-Gard Dual (164 pages)
- Byko-Spectra Mini (78 pages)
- Byko-Spectra Effect Short Instructions (2 pages)
- Byko-Spectra Basic (78 pages)
- Liquid Color Standards Manual (10 pages)
- Liquid Color Standards Safety Instructions (40 pages)
- Liquid Color Standards Short Instructions (2 pages)
- LCS IV (113 pages)
- LCM plus (23 pages)
- LCS III (370 pages)
- LCM III (234 pages)
- BYK-mac i ROBOTIC Manual (26 pages)
- BYK-mac i Manual (61 pages)
- BYK-mac i Short Instructions (2 pages)
- BYK-mac Manual (61 pages)
- BYK-mac Manual (64 pages)
- BYK-mac Safety Instructions (40 pages)
- BYK-mac Short Instructions (2 pages)
- BYK-mac Short Instructions (2 pages)
- BYK-mac ROBOTIC Manual (26 pages)
- BYK-mac Link (2 pages)
- 6330 (26 pages)
- Color-View (75 pages)
- Spectro-Guide 45/0 Gloss Manual (74 pages)
- Spectro-Guide (2 pages)
- Easy-Link Color-Sample-Link (2 pages)
- Easy-Link Color-Standard-Link (2 pages)
- Abrasion Tester (30 pages)
- Gardner-Scrub Manual (17 pages)