ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual
Page 14

After saving you are prompted for deletion of the instrument memory to have it ready for
new measurements. The measurement results now appear on the screen:
The left column contains the file structure of all measured individuals. Highlight an object
to display its results in the right window. The upper part shows the header with the
identification data of the selected object
. The lower part contains the measurement
The left column contains the file structure of all individuals including the standard. The
standard is identified by its name
and the serial number of the instrument with which it
was measured:
Highlight an object
to display its results in the right window. The upper part shows the
header with the identification data of the selected object
. The lower part contains the
measurement data
To view the spectral data of the standard or checkzone right mouse click on the spectral
curve symbol
and activate the function "Profile data to Excel". The sheet
"Testresults.xls" will open showing the spectral data and the spectral curve for all six
measurement angles.