Appendix, Error messages and corrective actions, With the imu sk-h055 installed – KEYENCE SK-H Series User Manual

Page 9

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With the IMU SK-H055 installed





Unit: mm



Error Messages and Corrective Actions

* Correctable range: NEAR: ±500 V, FAR: ±5 kV

Error display

Error description

Corrective action

Low Battery

The remaining battery charge
is insufficient.

Replace the AA batteries with
new ones.

Factory value is broken.

Reading the nonvolatile
memory storage data failed.

Cycle power

If the same error occurs,
contact your nearest
KEYENCE office.

Please confirm wiring.

An overcurrent is flowing
through the grounding wire or
IMU connector.

Check that the unit has been
wired correctly.

Memory error is occurred.

Reading/writing the
nonvolatile memory storage
data failed.

Press the F2 key to recover
from the error, but the unit will
reset its settings to their
default values and restart.

IMU is not connected.

IMU is not connected during
charge plate mode.

Press the F2 key to recover
from the error. Connect IMU.

IMU is overcharged.
Please discharge it.

A high voltage has been
already applied to the IMU

Press the F2 key to recover
from the error. Discharge the
charge plate, by temporarily
grounding it, and then
perform the operation again.

Failed to charge.
Please replace batteries.

The remaining battery charge
is insufficient for the charge.

Press the F2 key to recover
from the error. Replace the AA
batteries with new ones.

Failed to adjust zero.

An attempt was made to store
a voltage that is invalid or is
not within the correctable
range as the zero point.

Press the F2 key to recover
from the error. Check that the
measured value is within the
correctable range*, and then
perform the zero-point
adjustment again.

Hardware Error

Hardware error.

Cycle power

If the same error occurs,
contact your nearest
KEYENCE office.