Reference light registration (gain adjustment), Setting the tolerance setting value, Automatic setting (tolerance tuning) – KEYENCE IB Series User Manual

Page 7: Automatic setting (2-point tuning), Manual setting, Setting the shift target value, Performing the zero shift, Cancelling the zero shift

Reference light registration (gain adjustment), Setting the tolerance setting value, Automatic setting (tolerance tuning) | Automatic setting (2-point tuning), Manual setting, Setting the shift target value, Performing the zero shift, Cancelling the zero shift | KEYENCE IB Series User Manual | Page 7 / 12 Reference light registration (gain adjustment), Setting the tolerance setting value, Automatic setting (tolerance tuning) | Automatic setting (2-point tuning), Manual setting, Setting the shift target value, Performing the zero shift, Cancelling the zero shift | KEYENCE IB Series User Manual | Page 7 / 12