Aileron servo installation, Sand this end – Hangar 9 P-51D Blue Nose 60 ARF User Manual

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Hangar 9 P-51 Mustang 60 ARF Assembly Manual


Hangar 9 P-51 Mustang 60 ARF Assembly Manual


Step 3

Use the radio system to center the servo for the aileron.

Remove the original arm from the aileron servo and install

a 180-degree arm so it is perpendicular to the center line of

the servo. You will be connecting the linkage to a hole that

is 9/16-inch (14mm) from the center of the servo arm, so

make sure your servo arm meets these requirements.


Step 4

Position the servo on the bottom side of the servo cover

so the servo arm is centered in the opening in the cover as

shown. The servo must also be parallel to the opening so the

arm can move freely through its entire range of movement.


Step 5

Use a pencil to mark the servo cover for the position of the

servo mounting blocks on the aileron servo cover. Make the

mark behind the brass eyelets and alongside the servo. Make

sure to mark for both blocks without allowing the servo to

move on the cover.


Step 6

Use medium grit sandpaper to scuff the ends of two servo

mounting blocks as shown.

Sand this end


Step 18

Once you have test fit the flap without glue, you can now

remove the flap and use hinge glue to secure the flap to the

wing panel. Use small pieces of low-tack tape to hold the

flap in position until the hinge glue fully cures.

Step 19

Repeat Steps 13 through 18 to hinge the remaining flap and

aileron of the opposite wing panel.

Aileron Servo Installation

Required Parts

Wing panel (right and left)
Servo mounting block (4)
#2 x 3/8-inch sheet metal screw (16)
Control horn with backplate (2)
2-inch (52mm) safety tubing
6-inch (152mm) threaded pushrod (2)
12-inch (305mm) servo extension (2)
Pushrod keeper (2)

Clevis (2)

Servo (2)



Receiver battery

Tools and Adhesives

30-minute epoxy


Mixing stick


Covering iron


Clamp (2)

Medium grit sandpaper




Phillips screwdriver: #1

Side cutter

Thin CA

Felt-tipped pen


Hobby knife with #11 blade
Drill bit: 1/16-inch (1.5mm), 5/64-inch (2mm)
Rotary tool and cutoff wheel


Step 1

Remove the aileron servo cover from the wing. Make sure

to remove all the tape that was holding the cover in position.

You may need to use a covering iron to seal the covering

back on the wing and cover before proceeding.


Step 2

Use a hobby knife with a new #11 blade to remove the

covering from the slot in the aileron servo cover.