Hangar 9 P-51D Blue Nose 60 ARF User Manual

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Hangar 9 P-51 Mustang 60 ARF Assembly Manual


Hangar 9 P-51 Mustang 60 ARF Assembly Manual


Step 10

Slide the stabilizer into position. Use low-tack tape to keep

the stabilizer tight against the fuselage.


: Make sure to keep the hinge line of the

stabilizer perpendicular to the hinge line of the vertical

fin when applying the tape. It is possible to have

too much tension on the top or bottom and pull the

stabilizer out of alignment.

Step 11

Repeat Steps 9 and 10 to install the remaining stabilizer half

before the epoxy begins to cure.


: Use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to remove

any excess epoxy from the stabilizer and fuselage

before it begins to cure.

Step 12

Place the elevator servo in the rear servo tray. The servo is

installed from the bottom of the tray with the output shaft

facing to the front of the fuselage. Use a pencil to mark

the locations for the servo mounting screws through the

grommets and on the servo tray.

Step 13

Remove the servo. Use a drill and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit

to drill the four holes for the servo mounting screws.

Step 14

Apply 2–3 drops of thin CA into each hole to harden the

surrounding wood. This provides a harder surface for the

screws making them more secure when installed.

Step 15

Use the screws provided with the servo to secure it to the

servo mounting blocks. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to

tighten the servo mounting screws. Plug the elevator servo

into the elevator port of the receiver.


Step 6

Slide the tubes into the fuselage. Use a felt-tipped pen to

trace the outline of the stabilizer on the side of the fuselage.


Step 7

Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the covering

from the fuselage. Trim 3/32-inch (2mm) inside the lines

drawn when cutting the covering.

Step 8

Repeat Steps 5 through 7 to prepare the opposite side of the

fuselage for the stabilizer.


: Use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to remove

the lines drawn on the fuselage.


: Read through the next few steps before

mixing any epoxy. You must be able to perform these

steps before the epoxy begins to cure.


Step 9

Mix a small amount of 30-minute epoxy. Brush a thin coat of

epoxy on the exposed wood of the fuselage as well as to the

bare wood of the stabilizer.