Cannon Instrument CMRV-5000 User Manual
Page 49

Mini-Rotary Viscometer
CMRV-5000 Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.0b—August, 2011; CANNON
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA • 16803 • USA
Saved Configurations: The Saved Configurations list box (located
directly under the Restore . . . check boxes) allows you to make changes
to the current configuration for any networked CANNON
instrument by
restoring any or all elements (Instrument, Tray or Sample) of a saved
configuration. To restore saved configuration settings, select the instru-
ment from the Available Instruments window and then click on the
desired configuration from the list of saved configurations. Then click on
the desired Restore ... options (see below) and click OK.
If you wish to permanently delete a saved Configuration, highlight it and
click the DELETE button or press the
D key. Click Yes at the Confirm
Delete prompt to immediately and permanently delete the configuration.
Restore ... : The Restore check boxes allow you to restore Instru-
ment, Tray or Sample information from the saved configuration for the
selected instrument.
Click the Restore Instrument Settings check box if you want to restore
all Instrument Settings for the highlighted saved configuration (see
Instrument Settings section in this chapter). Instrument settings apply to
the instrument as a whole.
Click the Restore Tray Settings check box if you want to restore all
tray settings for the highlighted saved configuration. Tray Settings are
common to other CANNON instruments but are not applicable to the
CMRV instrument.
Click the Restore Sample Information check box if you want to restore
all sample ID information for the highlighted saved configuration.
Sample information includes individual sample IDs and actions.
View Instrument window button options:
Opens the Instrument View window for the selected
instrument and restores any selected configuration
Closes the View Instrument window.
Updates the Available Instruments list box to include
instruments which may have come on-line since the
software was loaded.
Permanently and immediately deletes the highlighted
instrument configuration (functions only when a con-
figuration is selected).
Accesses context-sensitive help.