Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 66

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Quick Tour III - Format Manager


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

For this example double-click on the following variables:
Point ID (Target)
Target (North)
Target (East)
Target (Elev)

Target (Elev) stands for Orthometric Height, in
order to export Ellispoidal Height you have to
select Local Ellipsoid Height.

The list is filled automatically and displayed as follows:

To add thematical information change the combo box

Datablock-Type to Code(TPS/GPS).

Double-click on the following variables:
Code ID
Code description

To add quality information change the combo box

Datablock-Type to Quality Information (GPS).

Double-click on the following variable:
3D Coordinate Quality.

The thematical and the quality information shall be written
to the second line of each data block.

Move the cursor between the >> << symbols of

<> and <> and press ENTER to
get a carriage return (new line) after Target (Elev).

Go to the end of the second line and press ENTER to

ensure that each data block starts at a new line!

To set the delimiter between the variables click between

the >> << symbols of each variable and press the TAB

As delimeter you can use any character from
the keyboard. Even a combination of several

characters is possible.

Lesson One - Creating a Format Template File, continued