Ski-pro components, continued – Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual
Page 19

An Overview of SKI-Pro
Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en
ASCII Export
The Export component enables you to export data from
Coordinate information may be exported to ASCII files in
various pre-defined or user-defined formats.
See also GIS/CAD Export option.
RINEX Export
The RINEX Export enables you to export GPS raw obser-
vations to an ASCII file in RINEX format. Unlike the
RINEX Import this function is not an option and is avail-
able as standard.
GIS/CAD Export (optional)
The GIS/CAD Export is an optional Export tool. It enables
you to write the point coordinates to AutoCAD (DXF/
DWG), MicroStation (DGN) or MapInfo (MIF) formatted
Datum and Map (optional)
If the user requires final coordinate output in the coordi-
nate system to which the GPS measurements are related
(WGS84) then this optional tool is not necessary. How-
ever, in most cases it is necessary to transform the
WGS84 coordinates into a local coordinate system.
The Datum and Map option provides you with a tool to
determine transformation parameters which can then be
used to perform datum transformations within two sets of
SKI-Pro components, continued