Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 31

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Quick Tour I - Real Time


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

The following dialog appears and allows you to create a
new project while you are still in the Import (Assign)

Under Location enter a path

e.g C:\SKIPro\Data\Projects
Alternatively you may use the browser.

Enter a Project Name e.g. RT Sample. Note that the

directory RT Sample has been added automatically to the

path. This is necessary because a Project consists of
several files and each Project shall be stored under a
separate directory.

Click OK to confirm. The New Project Dialog will be

closed and a new Project will be created and selected

Alternatively you can also create a Project
using the New Project command from the File
menu or Toolbar or via the Project Manage-
ment of the List Bar.

Lesson One - Starting a Project and Importing Raw Data, continued