Software navigation tools, continued – Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 22

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An Overview of SKI-Pro


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is a special Toolbar at the top of the screen
that contains menus such as File, Edit and View.
The Menu Bar lists the available commands. If a com-
mand is not applicable it is greyed out and not accessible.


Toolbars allow you to organize the commands you use
most often the way you want to, so you can find and use
them quickly. You can easily customize toolbars - for
example, you can add and remove buttons, create your
own custom toolbars, hide or display toolbars, and move

List Bar

The List Bar gives you single-click access to all available
components and tools of SKI-Pro. Additionally if a Project
or a Coordinate Set is open it lists them. Therefore the
List Bar allows you to simply switch between a tool and/or
a Project or Coordinate Set.

You can display small or large icons or hide the List Bar.

The List Bar is divided into groups (folders) to help organ-
ize your information. Click a folder, e.g. Management, to
move to a different set of tasks.

Context Menu

Almost everywhere upon right-click on a particular item in
SKI-Pro a Context-Menu is available. A Context-Menu
lists all useful commands at a particular instant for a
particular item on the screen. It is possible to navigate
through the entire software by only using commands from
the Context-Menu.


Upon opening a Project, tabs at the bottom of the view
allow you to quickly switch from one view to another. You
may instantly switch from, for example, a Graphical View
(View/Edit) to the Points View or GPS-processing View.

Software Navigation Tools, continued