Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 41

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Quick Tour II - Post-Processing


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

The following dialog appears:

Under Files of type: select GPS500 raw data.

Under Look in: select the directory that contains the

sample data: ...\SkiPro\Data\SampleData\Sys500\Static


Include subfolders: all GPS500 raw data in

the two sub-directories data1 and data2 will be imported in
one run.

Depending where you installed SKI-Pro the
path for the sample data may vary slightly. By
default SKI-Pro will be installed in:
C:\Program Files\Leica Geosystems\...

Click Import.

The following Property Sheet appears:

This is where you can view and modify the raw data. e.g.
to change instrument heights or point id’s.

As you have not yet created a Project the list of Projects is
empty and you can not select an existing Project.

Right-click on Projects and select New.

Lesson One - Starting a Project and Importing Raw Data, continued