Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 42

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Quick Tour II - Post-Processing


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

The following dialog appears and allows you to create a
new project while you are still in the Import (Assign)

Under Location enter a path

e.g C:\SKIPro\Data\Projects
Alternatively you may use the browser


Enter a Project Name e.g. PP Sample. Note that the

directory PP Sample has been added automatically to the

path. This is necessary because a Project consists of
several files and each Project shall be stored under a
separate directory.

Click OK to confirm. The New Project Dialog will be

closed and a new Project will be created and selected

Alternatively you can also create a Project
using the New Project command from the File
menu or Toolbar or via the Project Management

of the List Bar


Back in the Assign dialog select Assign and then


The Project window will open automatically.

Continue with Lesson Two - Processing Baselines.

Lesson One - Starting a Project and Importing Raw Data, continued