Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual
User manual / getting started with ski-pro, Gps system 500
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Licence Agreement and Support
- Software Protection
- Installation
- Installation Instruction
- Uninstall SKI-Pro
- Starting and exiting SKI-Pro
- An Overview of SKI-Pro
- SKI-Pro components
- Software Navigation Tools
- Views
- Accessing the On-line Help
- Quick Tour I - Real Time
- Lesson One - Starting a Project and Importing Raw Data
- Lesson Two - Exploring the View/Edit Component
- Lesson Three - Exporting Coordinates to a Custom ASCII File
- Quick Tour II - Post-Processing
- Lesson One - Starting a Project and Importing Raw Data
- Lesson Two - Processing Baselines
- Lesson Three - Creating a Coordinate System
- Lesson Four - Importing an ASCII File
- Lesson Five - Calculating Transformation Parameters
- Lesson Six - Using a Coordinate System with a Project
- Lesson Seven - Exporting Coordinates to an ASCII File
- Quick Tour III - Format Manager
- Lesson One - Creating a Format Template File
- Lesson Two - Uploading a Format Template File to the Sensor
- Quick Tour IV - GIS/CAD Export